We are open, and keen to help you. Click here to learn more about our new system to meet our students' current needs.
We are open, and keen to help you. Click here to learn more about our new system to meet our students' current needs.
Test Prep and Academic Help Center
Vivamus interdum, mauris interdum quis curdum sodales
Pelleneget tespharetra que fringilla egugue id eget pharetra
Etiam risus neque, volutpat vel laoreet a, finibus volutpat non
Mauris nec mi fequis ugiat, cursus tortor nec, pharetra tellus
Nam mattis felis id sodales rutrum. Nulla ornare tristique mauris, a laoreet erat ornare sit amet. Nulla sagittis faucibus lacus
Coherence Learning prides itself on being a different kind of help for students.
Inspired by teachers who have seen the ‘one size fits all’ model of teaching, we work to understand the needs of each of our students, offering only small class instruction and multiple strategies for solving problems.
Most of our students are college-bound with a need to have a plan. Our circular research system starts with either the score wanted to get into a certain school, or the schools available for the current score. From there we set targets, or start organizing schools by what they offer and what they require on the application. The essay portion in particular goes through the whole writing process and in-depth proofreading before it is ready to impress the admission readers.
Of note- 100% of our students increase their SAT composite score by at least 200 points within six weeks of tutoring!
Building and maintaining a foundation of skills from traditional schooling to approach critical thinking, writing, and comprehension from a more advanced standpoint.
Development of inquisitive and independent thought beyond lower level Bloom’s Taxonomy thinking.
ContinueApplication of critical thinking skills through advanced literature and vocabulary. Students will experience
ContinueMastery of grammar and comprehension skills through the introduction of SAT level questions
ContinueTime Management is the key here. Bridging the comprehensive knowledge gained from a variety
ContinueContact our team with any further questions. We will be happy to answer all
GPA is the most weighted part of college admittance. While strengthening our students on the Test Prep courses, we offer specific curriculum-centered classes for high school and middles schools students. The classes provide student-centered instruction in all the following subjects.